One fine day, a 60-year-old lady visited my clinic in Surya Nagar and wanted a consultation for breast cancer. It was an old case of CA breast and the lady had been taking allopathic medications for it for a few years. After looking at all her reports, and understanding the symptoms along with the history of the patient, I prescribed homeopathic medicine for one month. She visited the clinic after a month and what happened next was astounding for her and for me as well. The lady, who now looked more cheerful than the last time, told me that she stopped taking allopathic medication, without my knowledge and only took the medicine I prescribed. This didn’t just prevent the deterioration of her condition from the allopathic withdrawal but also improved her overall condition. This was surprising for her as well as for me, as her oncologist clearly said that she wouldn’t live for more than 10 days if she stopped the allopathic supplements. The homeopathic treatment further went on for 3 more months and at that point I got her FNAC test done. The results came out negative for malignancy. Such is the beauty of homeopathy.

With this example, I wish to convey to the people that the scope of homeopathy is wide, from auto-immune disorders to psychological disorders, homeopathy has shown some excellent effective results without deteriorating the general health economy of the patient.

Here are some areas where homeopathy plays a great role in bringing effective results;

I would first draw your attention towards CHILDREN DISORDERS. Starting from birth certain infantile disorders like vomiting, loose motions, constipation, infantile colic, jaundice, hernias come under the scope of Homeopathy. Not only physical but also behavioral disorders like extraordinary irritability, anger, fears, phobias, tics, forgetfulness, memory disorders, lack of confidence, autism, ADHD, OCD is also well tackled by our system. Many ailments associated with dentition also come in the domain of Homeopathy. Other problems of children & young adolescents like tonsillitis, enlarged adenoids, lymphadenitis also show favorable responses to our medicines. Cases of Nocturnal enuresis (bed-wetting) are well-taken care of by Homeo treatment.

Children in their growing age unable to attain proper height show good response as well. I have seen cases of delayed puberty along with delayed menarche in young girls also respond to our treatment.

Another category I would like to include ALLERGIC DISORDERS of any age. These allergies can affect the skin, respiratory system. Urticaria, an allergic disorder of the skin, shows desired results with homeopathic treatment with reduced itching and gradual disappearance of skin bumps and rashes. Respiratory allergies include sneezing, running nose, asthma, bronchitis show a very good response to our medicines. Food & metal allergies can also be taken care of, by homeopathy.

The next category that comes within the domain of Homeopathy is OVERGROWN TISSUES.  It includes warts, mollusk (viral disorder), polyps, cysts, spurs exostosis, corns, etc. Patients with these disorders, usually visit a homeopath with despair as these disorders are surgical in nature and some of them are said to be only cured by surgical methods. Even after surgical removal, these overgrown tissues return and here homeopathy plays a major role. Surgery may take care of the external outgrowth, but the internal tendency still remains and need to be eradicated. In my practice, I have cured many surgical disorders with homeopathy.

Homeopathy has a great scope in certain Gynaecological conditions like cervical erosion, candidiasis, nabothian cysts, pruritus pudenda, and all kinds of menstrual disorders and irregularities. It also covers the aspect of averting the tendency of missed abortions. By correcting these disorders one can treat the causes of infertility also.

Now let’s talk about some Geriatric disorders or disorders of the elderly. Such conditions include Prostatic disorders, senile dementia, senile weakness, etc Few mental disorders related to old age like depression, anxiety, behavior issues can also be dealt with with some success by Homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathy is known for curing many SKIN disorders. These include warts, mollusks, lichen, vitiligo, psoriasis, alopecia, urticaria, herpes, tinea, xerosis or dryness, keratosis, abnormal pigmentation, burns & scalds.

Viral disorders like Measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, herpe,s, etc also come under the scope of Homeopathy.

Homeopathy also has a major role to play in Psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, obsessions, compulsions, anger, temper tantrums, hypomania, depression, etc. The medicines have an effect on effect ie. the emotions and the thought process of an individual, which in turn has an effect on the behavior of an individual.

Hence the scope of homeopathy in dealing with a variety of mental as well as physical disorders is huge and the safe nature of the medicinal action is a bonus!

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