Does Homeopathy always take time to cure? Is it Pseudoscience or Placebo therapy? Are the literature and research surrounding Homeopathy adequate? Does Homeopathy always aggravate the symptoms first and then treat them?
These are some of the few misconceptions and false beliefs that often surround Homeopathy.
I have found that several myths are prevalent about Homeopathy in our society. These myths are everything, what homeopathy is not. So let me clear all these myths, one by one.
Myth 1
Medicines when taken they first increase or aggravate the sufferings, then they show improvement

Fact 1
It is not fully correct. There is a term ‘Homeopathic aggravation’. It means after administering the medicine if our selection of medicine is right there occurs mild transient aggravation in symptoms but with a feeling of well-being. This transient aggravation is invariably followed by great relief in symptoms. Any prolonged aggravation after taking Homeopathic medicine indicates ‘disease aggravation’ which is not caused by the medicine. Homeopathic medicines at times bring skin eruptions to the surface, which were suppressed by allopathic medication once upon a time. If it happens, it signifies the true, unadulterated disease picture of the individual before it was suppressed by a large and heavy dose. It is for the welfare of the patient. It means our patient is on the path to cure. Otherwise, no such aggravation occurs.
Myth 2
Homeopathic medicines take a long time to show response.

Fact 2
Again it is not fully correct. A long time is taken in those cases which are of years duration. Usually, patients come for Homeopathy when their sufferings have become very old. In such cases, the delayed response is expected while in acute cases which are of recent origin, quick response is frequently observed. Also, the basic principle of homeopathy is liked cures like ie. administration of the medicine that has the ability to produce similar symptoms in a healthy individual, but when given in the medicinal or potentized form to a diseased, it has the ability to cure those symptoms. Hence it incites a reaction in the body and stimulates the innate immunity to carry out the healing process. Hence the time taken by the medicine is largely governed by our own immunity and body’s natural forces to restore a healthy condition.
Myth 3
Homeopathy is a placebo therapy.

Fact 3
No, it is not correct. Homeopathy has been a great tool for safe cure in Children and it works brilliantly because of the child’s uncompromised immunity. It also works well with Animals and treating diseases of the animals.
Had it just been a faith medicine or placebo therapy? These wonderful and desired results on Children and animals would not have been possible.
Myth 4
Homeopathic medicines contain steroids.

Fact 4
This myth is absolutely baseless. Our medicine preparation is based upon nanoparticle technology, where dynamization and energy play an important role. It does not contain large physiological doses of any character. It contains the medicinal extract from natural sources and the energy liberated through the process of potentization.
Myth 5
While taking Homeopathic medicines you can not eat many things like raw onion, clove coffee, sharp-smelling things, etc.

Fact 5
Again it is not correct. There is no substantial evidence in its favor. I have also seen no effect of these things on our medicines. I have confirmed this myth with myself and some of my patients too, if the choice of medicine is correct, it is bound to act.
Myth 6
Newborns or infants cannot take Homeopathic medicine.

Fact 6
Newborn & infants are the best subjects for Homeopathic treatment as our medicines do not contain any harmful toxic materialistic doses, unlike allopathic medication. Also, infants and children have a high level of immunity and thus, it makes them favorable for homeopathic treatment.