People often think of homeopathy as an alternative mode of treatment and consider it as an option they would prefer if allopathy or other means of treatment fail them. Well, I feel it should be the opposite. Homeopathy should be the first mode of treatment and here is why:- 

My name is Dr. Rajesh Chawla, MD in homeopathy and I have been working as a private Homoeopathic medical practitioner since 1987. I completed my Bachelor’s degree from Nehru Homeopathic Medical college in 1987 and MD from Bakson Homeopathic Medical College.  Through this article, I intend to express my experience and thoughts related to homeopathy and how it affected my clinical practice.


In my early years of practice, I was amazed to see encouraging results in many if not all the cases. It was a bit of a pleasant & satisfactory surprise, even for myself. I did not expect such an early breakthrough.

However, some cases did not yield desired results. 

This experience forced me to go deep into the depth of Homeopathy, where I found that a lot is there to be learned and understood. 

I tried my best to follow the principles on which our system is based and the more I followed principles, the better the results were. This boosted my confidence a lot and following the principles and classical homeopathy, I now have completed 34 years of clinical practice. 

The most interesting thing I found in my system was that it yields results in a gentle & safe manner without disturbing the health economy of the patients. At times results may be delayed but they were there. There were cases where the results were very quick, much quicker than what I expected 

For many people, Homeopathy is still not the first choice of treatment for many reasons. It is mainly because of the delayed response shown by our medicines. My experience says that delayed response is shown only in chronic diseases which are of several years old. Homeopathy works to empower the immune system of the patient and it promotes the body’s own capability to heal itself. So when a patient has already consumed a lot of Allopathic medicines, their immune system slows down due to the toxic effects of physiological doses. If a patient opts for Homeopathy as the first line of treatment results are visible quite early. This I have confirmed in my long clinical practice.

In this system of medicine, it is not the disease that is treated, it is the patient who is suffering from diseased symptoms that are treated. We treat the patient as a single unit & not his isolated parts of the body, which is why a case history taking in homeopathy can be a tedious task as we work towards, not only the individual’s physical complaint but also understand the individual in other aspects like their personality, emotions, temper, thinking, actions, past, etc.  After recovery patient feels overall improvement, physically as well as mentally.



Now the time has come when more & more people are inclining towards this system of treatment. People have suffered a lot from the toxic/ side effects of modern medicine. Now the people want a safe, harmless & free of side effects system of medicine. There are times when patients find that their problems recur every time whenever they stop taking allopathic medicine. Patients want a permanent solution for their problems. For this, they look for an alternative system of medicine.

 It is also very difficult to administer modern medicine to children. They are afraid of taking it. Here again, Homeopathy provides a solution. To add more I have also observed Homeopathic treatment is helpful in conditions where Surgery was advised for the patients. I have successfully treated many surgical cases like warts, polyps, calculi, fibroids, cysts, lipomas, etc etc. Along with that, Homeopathic treatment is also very effective in treating allergies and allergic manifestations of diseases.

I always advise my patients to go for Homeopathic treatment especially when the sufferings are coming back again & again. Also, try Homeopathic treatment before going for any surgery unless there is an emergency or life-threatening condition. I have also used homeopathic medicines for animals as well with good results and that invalidates the faith medicine argument on homeopathy. My experience with auto-immune disorders is also very good as I have seen our medicines boost one’s immune system thereby showing long-lasting results. 

Another feature of our medicines is that they can be taken along with essential life-saving allopathic drugs. This method of collateral treatment is useful in tackling many peripheral sufferings of the patient besides his life-threatening disease. It also cuts short the quantum of allopathic medication. I have tried it in several cases successfully.

Another advantage of our system is the treatment of the sufferings of patients at times when disease diagnosis is not available. There are cases where disease diagnosis becomes very difficult. Investigations remain inconclusive. Here in such cases we take the symptomatic details of the patient & start treating. 

Conclusively I can say that after 34 years of successful homeopathic practice that it is a wonderful system of medicine where science & art both are involved in treating the patients. It is the art of case taking that makes it different from other systems. It is scientific as it is based upon scientific laws and principles.

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