Homeopathy is a Progressive and Aggressive Step in Medicine​ Treatment

DIY Homeopathy

We all have a relative who happens to know a fair few things about Homeopathy and often takes homeopathic medicines on their own without seeking any professional help.

This concept of taking homeopathic medicines on your own isn’t the best, but it isn’t the worst either. It is although, always recommended to seek the help of a registered homeopathic physician before starting a treatment as they would be able to guide with the proper repetition of the dosage, frequency and mode of administration. A physician is also well versed with handling a follow-up of a given case.

Although after the recognised efficacy and results of Homeopathy, there are some common medicines that people have recognised and often take of their own treatment.

Given below is a list prepared with the personal experiences of Dr. Chawla of 35 years of some of the commonly indicated medicines for underlined diseased conditions.

Note – Low potencies like 3x, 6x, 6CH, can be repeated frequently.

            Medium Potencies like 30CH, and 200CH, to be repeated only once or twice in a day.

            High Potencies like 1M, 10M, LM, require infrequent repetition.



  • Blunt Injuries (Bruise) – Arnica 30 – Arnica Gel (application)
  • Muscular Sprains – Rhus Tox 30, Ruta 30
  • Sharp Injuries – Ledum Pal 200, Calendula 30
  • Neuralgic (Nerve) Pains – Hyperium 200, Spigelia 30, Cedron 30
  • Bony/Joint Pains – Calcarea Carb 30, Symphytum 30, Rhus Tox 30
  • Sciatica – Magnesia Phos 6X, Rhus Tox 30, Colocynth 200
  • Headache/Migraine – Natrum Mur 30, Iris Vers 30, Bryonia 200
  • Stomache Ache – Colocynth 200, Nux Vomica 30


Acute Fever

  • Itching with Rashes – Apis Mel 30, Belladonna 200
  • Boils and Pustular eruptions – Hepar Sulph 200, Silicea 200
  • Warts – Thuja 6CH
  • Pigmentation – Lycopodium 6CH
  • Fever with Allergic s/s – Arsenic album 30, Allium Cepa 200, Aconite 30
  • Fever with Cough – Kali Bichromium 6, Sepia 30, Spongia 200
  • Fever with Bodyache – Gelsimium 200, Pulsatilla 30
  • Fever with gastric s/s – Antim Crud 30, Nux Vomica 30, Ars Album 30

Gastric Complaints


  • Constipation – Nux Vomica 30, Alumina 30, Collinsonia 30 
  • Gas with Acidity – Carbo Veg 30, Asafoetida 200, China 30
  • Loose Motions – Podophyllum 30, Ars Album 30, Merc Sol 6CH
  • Colic – Abdomen Ache – Colocynth 200, Mag Phos 6x, Lycopodium 30
  • Nausea and Vomitting – Ipecacuanha 30, Nux Vomica 30, Phosphorus 30
  • Dentition – Calc Phos 30, Calc carb 30
  • Diarrhoea during dentition – Aethusa Cynapium 200, Chamomilla 30
  • Stomache ache in Children – Veratrum Alb 30, Colocynth 200, Senna 30
  • Constipation – Senna 30, Nux Vomica 30
  • Growing Pains – Bryonia 200, Calc Phos 6x
  • Bed Wetting – Equisetum 30, Causticum 30, Pulsatilla 6CH

Female Complaints

  • Irregular Menses – Sepia 30, Janosia Ashoka Q. (10 drops in half cup water)
  • Painful Menses – Viburnum Opulus 30, Mag Phos 30, Calc Caarb 30
  • Leucorhea (White discharge) – Kreosote 30, Sepia 30,
  • Hot Flushes – Lachesis 30, Carb Veg 200
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